A view from Hannibal
Park to the south, direction Sousse. On the right is the Hotel
Houria Palace, down the road to the left is the Hotel Vincci Resort. Rigth: View to the east, direction Port El Kantaoui center. On the left the leisure park, in the back the entrance portal to the port. |
View from the opposite direction, on the right is Hannibal leisure park. Right: A view fiurther down the road, direction town center, in the middle of the photo is one of the two big fountains located. | |
On the other side of the fountain is the entrance portal to the port area. To the right in front of the portal is the supermarket "Magasin General", which offers, except fridays, alcoholic beverages as well. Behind the portal on the right is the police station, behind that a pharmacie. Behind the portal to the left are a bank and the post office. |